Jaxen Report

Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity

By Jefferey Jaxen Both the U.S. and U.K. are wrestling with another round of lockdowns. The science doesn't justify it.  The science, in fact, opposes the idea of a second lockdown on several fronts. Even so, it appears to matter little to the Science™ health 'officials' and government factions attempting to impose a second suffocating… Read More »Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity

Pandemics, Presidents & Press Paranoia

By Jefferey Jaxen The fight for America's soul escalates by the day.  Much of the planet appears on the verge of a new set of restrictions and lockdowns. Spain, the U.K., and some American states are already clamping back down, an unwelcome sequel to the blockbuster bomb from last spring. Like Hollywood, which seems to… Read More »Pandemics, Presidents & Press Paranoia

Lockdown Is Over, If You Want It

By Jefferey Jaxen If the world is but a stage and life is all a movie, we're now seeing coming attractions for an unwelcome sequel: "Lockdown 2: The Empire Strikes Again." This authoritarian update comes as more and more people see through the politicized lockdown/clampdown narrative. The narrative has had and continues to have huge… Read More »Lockdown Is Over, If You Want It

Corporate Media Flips Its Script: Vaccine Risk is Real, Science Isn't Settled

By Jefferey Jaxen Suddenly…Corporate media is telling Americans we should be more diligent about vaccine safety?  At face value, this sudden, rapid, coordinated narrative switch throughout corporate media (and echoed by select medical mouthpieces and government officials) is baffling. Outlets like StatNews, CNN, Wired and others for years all gleefully hurled the "anti-vaxxer" slur at… Read More »Corporate Media Flips Its Script: Vaccine Risk is Real, Science Isn't Settled

Questioning Vaccine Safety Is Now Popular In the Age of Covid

By Jefferey Jaxen The coronavirus and the heavy-handed response from governments has resulted in economic destruction, a rise in suicides and an increasing loss of civil liberties. Many populations have come out on the losing end of a 'life-years lost' statistic. Yet, a rapid shift in public consciousness around vaccine safety is happening at the… Read More »Questioning Vaccine Safety Is Now Popular In the Age of Covid


By Jefferey Jaxen To those paying attention to the full breadth of scientific data, the coronavirus lockdown should be over. Any hint of repeating it for a 'second wave' should be off the table. Yet many nations' populations still wrestle with heavy-handed government responses which, rather than follow proper science, echo an authoritarian power grab… Read More »WHITE HOUSE'S DR. ATLAS: 'LOCKDOWN MORE HARMFUL THAN VIRUS'

Global Push Back Against Government Lockdowns Explodes Over Weekend

By Jefferey Jaxen UPDATE: On Saturday Piers Corbyn, the 73-year-old brother of the former Labour leader was arrested and fined for leading London's protest. According to his Twitter account he received a '£10k fine and 'held for ten hours' Summit.news is now reporting, "Despite Corbyn saying he would appeal the fine, a GoFundMe was set… Read More »Global Push Back Against Government Lockdowns Explodes Over Weekend


By Wayne Rohde While our nation was busy spending a considerable amount of time discussing racial inequalities (as we should) or whether or not public schools and colleges were going to open or start on-line, or debating the upcoming national political conventions, our federal government, specifically, The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued… Read More »EMERGENCY DECLARATION NOW ALLOWS PHARMACISTS TO VACCINATE CHILDREN AGES 3-18

Another Leaf Falls From Massachusetts’ Tree of Liberty: Forced Flu Vax On Helpless Children & Families

By Jefferey Jaxen Let’s start where most of the public does. Let’s look at the guidance and talking points of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, as repetitively forced upon us by corporate media. Everyone sees the cracks in the facade now.

Rush to Censor, Discredit As Much-Anticipated Plandemic 2 Released

By Jefferey Jaxen On May 4th, 2020 as part of a documentary series called Plandemic, investigative filmmaker Mikki Willis released an interview featuring science whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits. The interview received fierce backlash and heavy-handed censorship for what the corporate media declared “dangerous conspiracy theories.” Plandemic 2 now goes deeper, beyond Dr. Mikovits, into conflicts… Read More »Rush to Censor, Discredit As Much-Anticipated Plandemic 2 Released