Javier Milei

VIDEO: Understanding the insane appeal of Argentina’s Javier Milei

Renowned Argentine sociologist and anti-imperialist critic Atilio Boron joins The Grayzone to discuss the victory of former tantric sex coach and emotionally unhinged liberatarian economic fundamentalist Javier Milei as the country’s president. Boron explains why the desperate popular sectors of Argentina fell for Milei’s shtick, and forecasts a violent rebellion of the president-elect’s economic austerity plans come to pass.

The Dangerously Appealing Style of the Far Right

Emilio Pettoruti (Argentina), Arlequín (‘Harlequin’), 1928. Before he won Argentina’s presidential election on 19 November, Javier Milei circulated a video of himself in front of a series of white boards. Pasted on one board were the names of various state institutions, such as the ministries of health, education, women and gender diversities, public works, and culture, all recognised […]