Jasper Ward

Winning In Red States With Marijuana Legalization

Remember a couple weeks ago there was an amazing legislative seat flip in Kentucky? Democrat Linda Belcher beat Rebecca Johnson for the open state House seat (49th district). On February 20th, Belcher won 68.4% to 31.6% in a district Trump had won 72% to 23% (and which Romney had won 66-33%). That's a really red district and Belcher's 45-point improvement on Hillary’s performance was engineered by a legendary Kentucky political figure, Mike Ward. Ward was Belcher's campaign manager.

Roger Stone: Sessions' Anti-Pot Agenda: "A Vote Loser And Inconsistent With What The President Promised The American People"

I spent 4 years of college getting high-- very, very high. It was like my major. And then I stopped. Boom-- one day, sitting on the border between Pakistan and India waiting for paperwork so I could drive my car across the border, it was over. Barely out of my teens, my tortured prayers were answered.