Jason Smith

N.Y. Post: Biden’s “Authentic Frontier Gibberish” in Arizona Victory Tour

New York Post, August 9, 2023 Joe’s Bidenomics victory tour is a bust on Day One By James Bovard Joe Biden’s re-election campaign kicks into high gear this week with the president and Cabinet secretaries blanketing the nation to boast about Bidenomics. But CNN reports more than half of Americans believe “the economy is still […]

Trump Was Right: Latest Arrests Prove Threats to Jewish Centers in US Were False Flags

J.R. Smith
21st Century Wire

For the last two months, the US media has continued to ramp-up the alleged ‘alarming trend’ of hate crimes against Jewish institutions and sites in America.
On March 13th, CNN ran the headline, “Jewish Center Bomb Threats Top 100; Kids Pulled from Schools.” Clearly, media outlets like CNN were pushing a sensational, fear-based narrative, and propagating the idea that there is a ‘crisis’.