Jason Butler

It Isn't Possible To Follow Jesus' Teachings And Support Trump

Personally, I'm not into churches or ritual or even the Bible. But Jesus had some great messages that I meditate on a lot. That said, there are a lot of fake Christians around who seem to think Jesus' message needs to be reversed. And those are Trump followers. My old pal Frank Schaeffer wrote about that on his blog and made the tape above that you might want to watch today instead of going to church.

A Do Nothing Congress? Well, A Do Nothing Senate, Compliments Of Moscow Mitch

I didn't go to Thanksgiving dinner last night. I just didn't want to political arguments with friends. Oh, obviously all my friends hate Trump's guts and they all want to see him impeached and removed. The only arguments there would be between those who want to see him in prison and those who want to see him face... well something more final. No, the political arguments I didn't want to face have to do with the primary.

Hashtags Are Not Activism... And Social Media Only Accomplishes So Much.

Not all Democrats are the same. Filling Congress with garden variety Democrats isn't even a good idea. It would just enable the worst instincts of the worst power-mad, values-free careerist Democrats, the Schumers, Emanuels, Bidens, Bustoses and Hoyers. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy and our nation. He's got to be dealt with.

Conservatives Are Stomping Out Family Farms-- And Not Just Republican Conservatives Either

You know what's bipartisan in DC? Agricultural policy-- and it sucks, for farmers, for rural communities and for consumers. Jeff Hauser and Eleanor Eagan, reporting for Washington Monthly, have no doubt that the Trump Regime is up to no good when it comes to family farms, but they point out that it isn't just Trump and the Republicans. "The administration is letting agribusiness run amok, they wrote.

Tired Of Our Side Being Represented By Scaredy Cats? More Milquetoast Not What You're Looking For?

I talk to candidates all day, 7 days a week. I'm so sick of hearing from "progressives" who back Medicare-for-All but are afraid to say the words... or of Democrats who believe in the Green New Deal as much as I do but have been counseled to not use the term or to speak out about it too much.

North Carolina Hangs In The Balance

Roy Cooper and Dan ForestIn 2017, a panel of judges threw out North Carolina's gerrymandered legislative districts, calling them unconstitutional and telling the State Assembly to redraw nearly half the 170 districts. The new map of the state's House and Senate districts have been submitted to the same panel.Although North Carolina is a swing state when it comes to statewide elections-- in 2016 current Gov. Roy Cooper (D) ousted ex-Gov.