Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | April 25, 2019 Maria Butina is in jail for doing nothing while Jared Kushner, who needed a godfathered security clearance due to his close Israeli ties, struts through the White House as senior advisor to the president. The Mueller Special Counsel inquiry is far from over even […]

French Ambassador Says Trump “Deal of the Century” Is DOA, Calls Israel ‘Apartheid State’

WASHINGTON — In an interview with the Atlantic last Friday, outgoing French Ambassador to the United States Gerard Araud made headlines after emphatically stating that Israel is already “an apartheid state” and that the Trump administration’s so-called “Deal of the Century” aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict is “99 percent doomed.”

Kushner, the Israeli Election & the ‘Middle East Peace Plan’…

I wrote an article here a while ago about ‘The End of International Law‘: and how international law was being openly flouted on a casual basis by various parties, essentially rendering international law meaningless. I wasn’t really talking about Israel much in that piece; but I should’ve been. While long-term Zionist colonisation and (illegal) settlement-building […]

Did the Saudi Hackers who Trapped Khashoggi Target Jeff Bezos for Nude Photos?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ security team has alleged in The Daily Beast that Saudi Arabian intelligence hacked his phone and passed to the National Enquirer intimate photos that the married Bezos had sent to his lover, Lauren Sanchez. Although the Enquirer’s parent company, AMI, has alleged that it received the material from Sanchez’s brother, this allegation may be a cover story intended to deflect attention from the Saudi role (of which AMI may or may not have been aware.

Orwell & Goode - Smollett Walks, EU Meme Ban Passed & Facebook Bans White Nationalism - Hour 1

Orwell & Goode joins Henrik to talk about some of the latest breaking news. We begin talking about the collapse of the Russia Collusion narrative and how Soros' dirty money is behind letting the States Attorney who let Smollett go. We move on to discuss how EU's destructive copyright directive just passed. According to reports a total of 13 MEP's pressed the wrong button during a crucial vote to amend article 13 & 11. Later we discuss Facebook's decision to ban what they consider to be "white nationalism" and "separatism."

2019: And Welcome Back to the Nuclear Arms Race…

I published a couple of pieces here last year, talking about how worrying and dangerous it was that the language – and indeed the policies – surrounding nuclear weapons appeared to be changing: and how this had ominous implications. Why that subject particularly came into focus was because of the revised ‘US Nuclear Posture Review‘, […]

Jared Kushner's Criminal Dad Gave Harvard $2.5 Million To Get Him In. How Did Trump Get Into Wharton After Flunking Out Of Fordham?

Trump's first choice for college was the University of Southern California, where he wanted to study film-making. He was rejected and wound up going to a much easier school to get into, Fordham. But what people have always wondered is how did Trump get into the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance and Commerce in 1966 after he flunked out of Fordham? Trump has often used his Wharton pedigree as a way of defending his ignorance and stupidity. He claimed on Meet The Press that Wharton is "probably the hardest there is to get into...

No One Let Christie Finish

As the legal authorities close in on Trump, Kushner-in-law has been trying his best to keep away from the media and out of sight. Today Guardian reporters Ed Pilkington and Martin Pengelly reminded everyone who and what he is: Chris Christie accuses Jared Kushner of political 'hit job' in explosive new book. He doesn't want to go to prison like his father did and his father-in-law soon may.