James Comey

Behind FBI’s Data-Access Fight with Apple

FBI Director James Comey gained his reputation for integrity by standing up to George W. Bush’s White House on a domestic spying issue but the fight was more tactical than principled, raising doubts about his current dispute with Apple over government accessing encrypted phone data, writes ex-FBI official Coleen Rowley. By Coleen Rowley Knowing even […]

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: 13 Questions About San Bernardino Bloodbath

Key points of the official narrative of the December 2 incidents in San Bernardino produce critical questions, or are contradicted by other information. The FBI director and a lawyer for the family of the suspects agree that “a number of things in this case don’t make sense”. But that hasn’t stopped James Comey from using unverified Facebook posts or unproven claims that the couple were “radicalized” before they married to define them as inspired, but not directed by Daesh.

"Silence from the right on James Comey's race talk" -- Jonathan Capehart wonders why our top G-man was merely "ignored" rather than "trivialized"

FBI Director James Comey at Georgetown Thursdayby KenIn his column today, "Silence from the right on James Comey's race talk," the Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart raises a fascinating point in the aftermath of the hard-hitting speech given by FBI Director James Comey on the subject of race and law enforcement Thursday at Georgetown University: Why, instea