James Comey

This US Congressman wants war with Russia, but backs off when asked about launching a first strike nuclear attack

The Duran has written before about Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell, and his crusade to take down Vladimir Putin and President Trump with a “Russia election hack” scandal.
Swalwell’s problem (despite his paranoia and ignorance on all things related to Russia) is that, to-date, no evidence can be dug up connecting Trump to Russia.
This has not stopped Swalwell in his push to bring America into conflict with Russia.

The Trump Russia Wiretap scandal: has the corner turned?

It is now almost a week since President Trump tweeted his incendiary allegation that former President Obama had had his phone bugged.
Since then there have no more leaks seeking to discredit the President or to destabilise his administration, whilst the demands for the resignation of Jeff Sessions, his Attorney General, seem to have stopped.  Whether this is only a temporary respite or whether a real corner has been turned remains to be seen.

Following Donald Trump’s wiretap accusations Clapper and Comey make only qualified denials

Following Saturday’s charges come Sunday’s denials.
On Saturday in a series of tweets Donald Trump accused his predecessor Barack Obama of wiretapping his office in Trump Tower.  A few hours later Obama responded with a statement published by his spokesman which neither admitted nor denied the wiretap but which said that Obama himself had never ordered surveillance within the US on anyone.