James Comey

Hillary Clinton once again whines about how James Comey and Russia cost her the US election (Video)

Speaking during an interview on CNN, Hillary Clinton once again explained why she thinks she lost the election. Hint: she is not to blame.
Surprise: Hillary Clinton says a combination of FBI Director James Comey’s letter regarding her email server and Russia zero evidence hack of John Podesta’s emails were to blame for her 2016 presidential election loss.

FBI Director Comey confirms US does NOT know Russia provided DNC/Podesta emails to Wikileaks

Ploughing through the testimony FBI Director James Comey gave to the House Intelligence Committee on 19th March 2017, I came across an exchange he had with Representative Adam Schiff, which has gone entirely unreported and the importance of which has been entirely looked.
This exchange shows that the US intelligence community admits that Russian intelligence did not have direct contact with Wikileaks, and did not pass on the stolen Podesta and DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Obama, Comey Relied On Discredited Dossier To Obtain FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | April 19, 2017 James Comey, the man who refused to bring charges against Hillary Clinton despite a mountain of concrete evidence that she, and several members of her staff, knowingly violated several federal laws, apparently used the largely discredited “Trump Dossier” to help secure a FISA warrant to […]

‘Russiagate’ is failing and its supporters are getting worried

Three weeks ago I wrote a piece for The Duran in which I suggested that the corner appeared to have been turned in the fake ‘Russiagate’ scandal.
What was a tentative conclusion then can now be firmed up.
Though the leaders of the US security services have denied the President’s allegation that they wire-tapped him – though they were careful not to deny that they mounted surveillance on him and his associates – the President’s claim that they did, in effect smoked them out.

Trump Admin Distancing Itself From Campaign Manager Amidst Accusations Of Russian Ties

“Paul Manafort” is a name we haven’t heard in awhile, but only a few months ago, he was one of the most powerful political operatives in the nation. Manafort has built his career as a Republican strategist over several decades. Washington D.C. is full of power-hungry operatives like the 67-year-old, and after putting in his time as a lobbyist, he was finally on the top of the game and running public relations for the Trump campaign.

It Is Comey Who Should Be Investigated

FBI Director James Comey pauses as he testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, March 20, 2017, before the House Intelligence Committee hearing on allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)
FBI Director James Comey confirmed Monday that his agency has since last summer been investigating the circle of Donald J. Trump for their contacts with the Russian Federation during last year’s election campaign.