James Comey

James Comey’s Legacy: Blaming Russia Rather Than Saudi Arabia And Israel

21st Century Wire says…
If it wasn’t enough with James Comey doubling down on the Russia-gate narrative, the so called ‘liberal mainstream media’ are continuing his work since he got fired by President Donald J. Trump by saying that what happened is a  ‘gift to Russia’.
The United States of America, an atrophying empire, is a laughing stock with these kind of affairs rather than a power to be taken seriously alongside other nations.

Chaos In Washington Following Trump’s Removal Of FBI Director James Comey

FBI Director James Comey pauses as he testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, March 20, 2017, before the House Intelligence Committee hearing on allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)
Update : AG Jeff Sessions sent the following statement to all FBI employees:

James Comey’s legacy: Blaming Russia rather than Saudi Arabia and Israel

The last time Donald Trump fired an important official prior to an important foreign visit was when Steve Bannon was fired from his position on the  National Security Council the day before a Chinese delegation led by President Xi was to meet with Trump. It was also incidentally a day prior to Trump’s infamous 6 April 2017 attack on Syria.
Steve Bannon was known to favour Russian reconciliation, particularly over Syria cooperation. He was also a leader of the anti-Chinese camp, especially in the aftermath of Mike Flynn’s resignation. The dots were not difficult to connect.

Chopping James Comey

“Having refused to admit his errors, the [FBI] Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.” US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Any sense that Donald Trump had found some accord with James Comey of the FBI gathered from his investigative zeal regarding Hillary Clinton’s improper use of a private email server should always have been doubted. Trump[Read More...]

BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey – White House reports

“The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Sean Spicer told reporters in the briefing room on Tuesday.
Comey also has been under fire from Democrats over his announcement, less than two weeks before the November election, that the FBI was reopening an e-mail investigation into Clinton.

FBI Director: The Only Reason Assange Not ‘Apprehended Yet’: He’s Out of Reach

FBI Director James Comey pauses as he testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, May 3, 2017, before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing: “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.” (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, FBI director James Comey said that while he wouldn’t “confirm whether or not there are charges” pending against the WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange, the reason he “hasn’t been apprehended is because he’s inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London.”

Julian Assange demolishes Hillary Clinton’s Russia/Wikileaks claims

Hillary Clinton continues to insist that she would have won the election if not for Wikileaks’ DNC email publications and James Comey’s decision to re-open the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s improper use of private email servers.
Her delusions persist just as Comey defended his decision to go public about re-opening the FBI’s investigation of Clinton.
Julian Assange is clearly as fed up of Hillary Clinton’s lie-mongering as anyone else.