James Comey

It took Trump one simple tweet to destroy liberal left shock over James Comey firing (Video)

With one tweet and little video montage, President Trump exposed the Democrats hypocrisy after the James Comey firing.
Trump tweeted yesterday…

The Democrats should be ashamed. This is a disgrace!

The video attached to the tweet crushes the entire snowflake, fake tears, fake outrage, liberal left Comey shock.

5 Stories Everyone Is Ignoring While the Media Implodes over Trump Firing Comey

(ANTIMEDIA) A power hungry president has kicked a power player out of office, and the mainstream media is having a field day. Headlines have obsessively focused on Trump’s termination of FBI Director James Comey and the implications that come with it, drawing comparisons to Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal and questioning Trump’s decision to fire the man who was leading an investigation into the president’s own alleged misconduct.

President Trump crushes “Cryin” Chuck Schumer in three tweets over Comey firing

Trump broke his Comey silence in a series of tweets in reply to the Democrat party “outrage” over Comey’s firing.
President Donald Trump tweeted to ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, in response to the Senator’s hypocrisy over James Comey’s dismissal…

“I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer.” Then acts so indignant.  #draintheswamp”

Russian foreign minister TROLLS fake news media’s Andrea Mitchell like a BOSS (VIDEO)

As the visit of Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to Washington proceeds, it’s become clear that the American mainstream media is mostly unconcerned with any of the foreign policy implications of his visit.
An improvement in US-Russian relations, which has consistently been advocated by US President Donald Trump since the beginning of his campaign (and long before) would be an achievement which would increase peace and stability around the world.