James Comey

How Long Before Trump Swears He Will Find The Real Traitor?

-by NoahAt this point, any Trump supporter who continues to support Trump is no different than those who cried and chanted that O.J. didn't kill Nicole.Just like some said O.J. was being wrongly accused, Republicans are staunchly and stubbornly behind their man. I'm talking about you FOX "News" and you Republican viewers, voters, and pols.

Trump Threatens Comey: “Better Hope There Are No Tapes”

FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Dec. 9, 2015, before the Senate Judiciary Committee/ (AP/Susan Walsh)
In the most Nixonian-sounding comment yet during this week’s craziness, President Trump, clearly angry about the leaking sieves that are the White House and the US intelligence community, just issued a cryptic threat to former FBI Director Comey, warning in no uncertain terms about retaliation should the leaks continue and saying the fired FBI director should hope there are no recordings of their conversations.

Mounting Contradictions As Trump, Aides Defend Firing of FBI Director

The Trump White House plunged deeper into political crisis Thursday, as President Trump and top aides gave conflicting accounts of how and why Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, and FBI and Justice Department officials flatly contradicted the White House version of events. As the Trump administration scrambled to defend the decision to fire Comey, Democrats have seized on the[Read More...]

Democrats busted screaming “Fire James Comey” only to now call him a martyr (Video)

The hypocrisy of the Democrats simply cannot be ignored.
Jimmy Dore highlights a never ending stream of tweets comparing what Democrat lawmakers and mainstream media pundits said 4-5 months ago about James Comey, and their about face, “have it both ways”, narrative about the FBI Director now that Trump did the right thing and canned him.
The liberal left hypocrisy is too easy to point out.

Critics Shocked By Trump Admission on Comey

While it’s hard to keep up with the shifting reports of how the decision to fire FBI Director James Comey came about, President Donald Trump on Thursday admitted to directly asking the former head of law enforcement if he was under investigation—a move many said presented a shocking conflict of interest. “A dinner was arranged, I think he asked for[Read More...]

Trump sends warning to Comey: ‘I hope there are no “tapes” of our conversation’

Trump stated he hopes there are no tapes between himself and recently fired FBI Director James Comey – alluding to the idea that Comey may start leaking certain information to the press about their interactions.

James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017

Comey’s sacking was NOT an obstruction of justice

In all the storm of outrage that has accompanied the overdue sacking of former FBI Director James Comey one particular myth has gained special currency and is being actively promoted by sections of the media and by the Democratic Party establishment.
This is that Comey was sacked whilst he was undertaking some sort of probe of the Trump campaign, and that his sacking somehow compromises that probe and is therefore an obstruction of justice.