James Comey

The Trumpy-The-Clown Comedy Hour Returns To Prime Time TV

Republican commentator David Frum was busy on Twitter this weekend: "The White House has a communications problem: it doesn’t tell the truth. The way to fix the problem is not to hire more skillful liars. However, a communications strategy based on telling the truth is not practical when the truth is more lethal even than an exposed lie." According to the latest polling about two-thirds of Americans don't believe Trump's gaslighting or any of his bullshit.

My Nomination For New FBI Director: The One Who Knocks

-by NoahHow’s that for allegory? As soon as news came that President Crazy Pants, aka big orange traitor, aka Putin’s Butt Boy, had fired the man who he feared was getting too close to the truth, speculation as to what name would be issued forth from the bunker as a nominee to replace former FBI Director Comey ran wild.The first two names I thought of, of course, were Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, but, my mind didn’t stop there.

Most Republicans In Congress Are Still Pretending They See Nothing All That Wrong With Trump's Fascist Behavior

Like most Republicans, GA-06 candidate Karen Handel is sticking with TrumpI checked this morning to see how many co-sponsors there were for Eric Swalwell's bill that would mandate a National Commission on Foreign Interference in the 2016 Election. Swalwell's bill would lead to an examination of "any attempts or activities by the Russian government...

Trump Threatens Comey Over Leaked Account Of White House Dinner

  The crisis engulfing the Trump administration was compounded Friday by the president’s early morning tweet threatening fired FBI Director James Comey over leaked accounts of a White House dinner that contradicted the story given out by the president in an interview the previous day with NBC News. In the interview, broadcast two days after Trump fired Comey without warning,[Read More...]

Basically Everything Trump Has Been Saying About Comey Is Meant To Mislead

In an OpEd in Thursday's NY Post, Paul Sperry asserts that the real reason Señor Trumpanzee canned Jim Comey was because the FBI wasn't investigating something Trump is obsessed with: "Obama aides’ illegal leaks of classified information-- leaks aimed at undermining the incoming Trump administration." Trump sees the Flynn scandal through this prism. No one else seems to have gone off on this tangent, which some congressional Republicans are starting to cling to.

3 Reasons Why James Comey Should Have Been Fired a Long Time Ago

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) James Comey, the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appointed by President Barack Obama, has never been a man independent of the law. This is not because his heart wasn’t in the right place or because his intentions may have been malicious. Instead, Comey has always been a man of the state — much like any other person to have occupied this position in history. What does that mean?