James Comey

CNN finds “anonymous source” that says James Comey now thinks Trump tried to influence him

Former FBI Director James Comey is set to  testify publicly before the Senate intelligence committee after Memorial Day.
Comey has gone on record swearing under oath that he “had never” been influenced during an investigation, and that if he had he would have reported it immediately.
If Comey failed to report such “obstruction” than, to put it simply, he would be put in jail.
Zerohedge adds

Lavrov denies discussing Comey with Trump? Accept Putin’s offer and publish the transcript to establish the truth

Over the last few hours the Western media has filled with stories of how during their recent meeting in the Oval Office US President Donald Trump supposedly told Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov that former FBI Director James Comey was a “nut job”, which was why he dismissed him.
The story, which first appeared in the New York Times, is very specific

BREAKING: Russian FM Lavrov says Trump didn’t discuss Comey firing in meeting

Sergey Lavrov has said that a New York Times story claiming that Donald Trump said that he fired James Comey because he was a ‘nut job’ and had impeded good relations with Russia is fake.
When asked to confirm the story which White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has not denied, Lavrov said,

“We did not touch on that topic (of Comey) at all”.

9/11 Whistleblower Rowley on Mueller’s History of “Cover-up”

Institute for Public Accuracy | May 18, 2017 While Mueller has been widely described as being of impeccable character by much of official Washington, Rowley said today: “The truth is that Robert Mueller (and James Comey as deputy attorney general — see my New York Times op-ed on day of Comey’s confirmation hearing) presided over […]

After appointing Special Counsel Rosenstein acts to close down Congressional ‘Russiagate’ probes

Further evidence that Rod Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Special Counsel to supervise the Russiagate investigation is intended at least in part to take the heat out of the affair has been provided by a private briefing Rosenstein has given to the Senate about his decision, of which the New York Times has provided a detailed account.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to disappoint the Democrats and the media. Here’s why.

Robert Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel to supervise the Russiagate investigation has led to a state bordering on euphoria on the part of the Democrats and the mainstream media.
It is understandable why.  The Democrats have been calling for the appointment of a Special Counsel and President Trump – very unwisely – has been resisting them.  Though President Trump appeared in his statement yesterday to welcome the decision, in tweets today he has made clear his continued resentment about it

Princeton Professor Says US Intelligence Agencies, Acting as Fourth Branch of Government, Are Sabotaging Peace

After being fired by President Trump, FBI Director, James Comey, produced a memo he had written in February, alleging that Trump told him he hoped the investigation into former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, would be dropped. Comey has implied that Trump obstructed justice. [...]