James Comey

Polls Show Support For Trump Impeachment Rising

A student wears a hat reading “Impeach Trump” during a graduation ceremony at Columbia University in New York, May 17, 2017. (AP/Seth Wenig)
As controversies and Russian investigations keep growing and developing, an increasing number of U.S. citizens support impeaching President Donald Trump, recent polls show.
Forty-three percent of American voters now want Congress to begin proceedings to impeach Trump after the president’s return from his first trip abroad since he took office, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.

Hillary Clinton proclaims, “I don’t die despite the right’s best efforts”

Will Hillary Clinton ever go away?
Will Hillary Clinton ever accept the fact that she lost to Donald Trump despite having a huge $2 billion campaign war chest, support from every Wall Street banker, support from every mainstream media network (except perhaps Fox News).
Will Hillary Clinton ever stop blaming Russia for her utter incompetence, lack of leadership, and lack of likability?
Hillary Clinton said in a New York magazine profile published Friday

US leaks of classified intelligence about Manchester terror attack strain US relations with allies

A few weeks ago, shortly after US President Trump met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in the Oval Office of the White House, the Washington Post ran a story about how Trump supposedly leaked classified intelligence about an ISIS plot to use laptops to bring down civilian airplanes during this meeting to Lavrov.
Supposedly the leak compromised intelligence information provided to the US by a third country, potentially damaging the US’s intelligence relationship with that country.

The Gaping Holes of Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern and William Binney | Consortium News | May 20, 2017 Official Washington got to relive the excitement of Watergate in a “gotcha” moment after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. There were fond recollections of how righteous the major newspapers felt when condemning President Nixon over his “Saturday Night Massacre” firing […]