James Comey

Donald Trump BLASTS James Comey using his favourite method

As Donald Trump watched the increasingly farcical testimony of James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee, one could almost feel an air of vindication about Trump’s prior statements.
The hearings have re-confirmed that Trump has never been and is not now under any sort of investigation and that furthermore, it was James Comey himself who leaked the contents of a personal memo detailing Trump’s private/personal views on the fate and reputation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump Tweeted the following about his now nemesis James Comey

5 things we learned about James Comey and why Trump was 100% right to fire him (Video)

Now that the James Comey testimony has come to a conclusion and the mainstream liberal left media is crying impeachment for Trump uttering the words “I hope” to the former FBI director, here is a factual breakdown of what really took place yesterday during Comey’s bizarre testimony before congress, and why, after hearing the testimony, Trump was 100% correct in firing the FBI director.

After his Comey testimony debacle it is time for Senator McCain to retire

One point I have already made about former FBI Director Comey’s testimony to the Senate Committee is the extremely poor quality of the questioning Comey was subjected to by its members.  However one particularly inept line of questions stands out: those asked by Senator John McCain of Arizona, who is not even a member of the Senate Committee but who was there by invitation.

5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing

(ANTIMEDIA) Like clockwork, the mainstream media is fervently focusing on a story filled with scandal and intrigue: James Comey’s testimony. Whether it’s a terror attack in the west, a celebrity tailspin, or a superficial drama like James Comey’s conversations in Congress today, when the media drives an obsessive narrative, there’s usually other events occurring.
“But Russia might have intervened with our democratic process!” some may retort. “Donald Trump is probably a criminal!”

James Comey admits, obstruction of justice…by Hillary Clinton, NOT Donald Trump (Video)

As the liberal left mainstream media was foaming at the mouth anticipating James Comey testifying that Trump had obstructed justice in some form during his testimony, what we did get is zero evidence of Trump obstruction, but of Hillary Clinton – Loretta Lynch obstruction.
It was an unexpected turn of events and now drags the Obama administration into the Trump witch hunt they helped orchestrate.
The former FBI Director detailed his interaction with Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch about specific language used in the Clinton Email “investigation.”

James Comey exposes HIMSELF as the New York Times leaker

James Comey has testified before the US Senate Intelligence Committee and finally came clean about the mysterious ‘Trump memo’ leaked to the New York Times which implicated Donald Trump in suggesting that in his personal opinion, the FBI ought to consider dropping what Trump felt was a non-case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Comey justified his covert action by saying it was in the public good, but if Comey was so concerned about the public good why did he secretively leak the contents of his private memo rather than come forward publicly?