James Comey

James Comey’s Testimony

The entertainment reality show got another instalment on Thursday with the testimony of former FBI director James Comey before members of the Senate intelligence committee. The various birds of prey wishing to find smoking carrion were left only partially satisfied. The Republicans were left confused, and the right wing media felt that Trump had been exonerated. There was something for everyone.

This is How Comey Really Helped US President by Trying to Damage Him

Sputnik – 09.06.2017 WASHINGTON – Former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey’s testimony to a US Senate hearing did further political damage to President Donald Trump, but also cleared him of having been a subject of inquiry, former FBI Special Agent Colleen Rowley told Sputnik. Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, […]

What Everyone Is Missing About the Comey Scandal

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) Given the tone of political reportage over the last month and the breathless coverage of James Comey’s hearing yesterday, you would have thought President Donald Trump had diminished the power of a co-equal branch of government or violated some basic protection in the Bill of Rights, upsetting the delicate balance that renders the United States a nation governed by laws and not men.

Is Trump More Insane Or More Dishonest? Will Voters Care In 2018?

At one time MSNBC's Morning Joe seemed to be Trump's favorite TV show. He was a guest numerous times and even bandied about the idea of naming Joe Scarborough his vice president, And remember when he asked Scarborough's co-host and fiancé, Mika Brzezinski, to come visit transition headquarters in Trumpanzee Tower? Thursday morning, before Comey's testimony at the Senate Intelligence Committee, Brzezinski speculated what many Americans fear, that Trump is "mentally ill." On the air yesterday she said "I think he's such a narcissist, it's possible that he is mentally ill in a way.

Comey Testimony Subverts Any Case for Impeaching Trump – Ron Paul Institute

Sputnik – 09.06.2017 Former Federal Bureau of Investigations Director James Comey’s testimony pours cold water on any calls for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams told Sputnik. Earlier on Thursday, Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that reports claiming President Donald Trump‘s aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence officials […]

Rep. Al Green Begins Official Process To Impeach Donald Trump

U.S. Rep. Al Green, D-Houston, speaking in favor of impeachment of President Trump from the floor of Congress on May 17, 2017. (Photo: Rep. Al Green’s YouTube Channel)
 WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Al Green, a Houston Democrat, announced Wednesday he would begin proceedings to impeach President Donald Trump.
“There is a desire … to see articles brought so the president can answer for obstruction of justice,” Green told reporters.