James Comey

Kenneth Starr destroys CNN’s claim that President Trump obstructed justice (Video)

Now that the witch hunt against President Trump has shifted from Russian election hacking, to Russian election meddling, to Russian democracy bombs, to obstruction of justice…CNN hosted Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel appointed to investigate Bill Clinton’s many scandals.
Starr of course was at the center of the Monica Lewinsky case, which eventually lead to Clinton’s impeachment., but not removal from the office of President.

“Do you think there is a case there?”

Starr replied…

Trump crushes Deep State Hillary Clinton hypocrisy in latest twitter tirade

As the CIA backed Washington Post continues to spread leaks of possible investigations into Trump obstruction, in a blitzkrieg effort to remove Donald Trump from the office of US President, Trump unleashed a twitter truth bomb on the hypocrisy of the entire special counsel investigation, which has morphed from Russian election hacking, to Russian election meddling, to Russian democracy bombs, to the present obstruction of justice.

10 Vladimir Putin classics from this year’s marathon Q & A

Vladimir Putin has delivered yet another marathon Q & A session known as Direct Line with The President. For nearly four and a half hours, President Putin took questions from people across Russia and throughout the wider world about any and all topics. It happens every year and by now, President Putin is a seasoned pro.
Here are some of the highlights. 
1. Asylum for Comey 
Vladimir Putin was asked what he thought of the continuing saga between former FBI Director James Comey and the Trump administration.

Breaking report details how Obama’s former Attorney General pressured James Comey to not investigate Hillary Clinton

Former FBI Director, James Comey had a second meeting with Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch where he confronted her about her election interference.
According to a breaking report by Circa News, when confronted, Loretta Lynch stared at Comey with a “steely silence that lasted for some time” before she asked him to leave her office.

Trump calls Comey a ‘coward’. Legal team begins to push back on Russia probe fake news (Video)

US President Donald Trump tweeted his thoughts on James Comey days after his testimony, accusing the former FBI director of cowardice by leaking accounts of his meetings with the president.
Trump tweeted…

“I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very ‘cowardly!’