James Comey

White House accuses former FBI director James Comey of “false testimony”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked by a reporter to respond to Steve Bannon’s “60 Minutes” comment that President Trump firing of the FBI director was the “worst political mistake in modern history”.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated that President Trump’s decision to fire James Comey was the right thing to do….

Hillary Clinton shocks world and blames everyone but herself in first TV interview since US election (Video)

Hillary Clinton is back in the spotlight with her soon-to-be released book ‘What Happened’ and its 15 city book tour.
The greatest failure in US politics sat down with Jane Pauley on ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ and gave her first T.V. interview since the 2016 presidential election.
Hillary spoke about her new unanticipated, fiction book ‘What Happened’, which is set for release on September 12th, and of course blamed (big surprise)…Comey, Russia, sexism…

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham wants Comey to testify again: “I smell a rat here”

Former FBI Director James Comey is in deep trouble after it was reveled last week that he exonerated Hillary Clinton after her July meeting with the FBI, well before Comey interviewed up to 17 key witnesses in the case.
According to The Gateway Pundit Senior Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina wants James Comey back in the Senate to testify once again on the Clinton email scandal.

Former FBI Assistant Director calls FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton “a farce from the beginning” (Video)

Did James Comey break the law by exonerating Hillary Clinton, way in advance of any type of investigation?
James Kallstrom and Jay Sekulow went on Fox News’ Hannity to discuss the unfolding scandal around former FBI director James Comey and his “pardon” of Hillary before the formal FBI investigation into her email server started.
James Kallstrom tells Sean Hannity…

EXPOSED: NSA has Hillary Clinton’s “lost” emails, but FBI did not want to see them

One fact that never entered the mainstream media news cycle connected to Hillary’s email scandal (and most likely never will), is that simple fact that the “lost” emails from Clinton’s private server are not lost at all.
The NSA has all the emails, and was prepared to share them with the FBI, but during the FBI’s “sham” investigation into Hillary’s email server, former director James Comey did not want to hear about it.

Was Barack Obama the man behind James Comey’s fix to let Hillary Clinton off the hook?

This week saw former FBI director James Comey exposed as a liar, colluding with Hillary Clinton during the US election to make sure HRC was not found guilty of crimes related to her illegal email server.
The question now focuses on whether James Comey was colluding with Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, or was the collusion to let Hillary walk connected to a much higher office…like the Office of the US President.

James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton months before interviewing 17 witnesses

A bombshell letter drafted by US Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham reveal testimony from new witnesses that suggest former FBI director James Comey had already started drafting documentation exonerating Hillary Clinton months before interviewing multiple key witnesses… including interviewing the main witness Hillary Clinton.
The letter, is based on testimony from James Rybicki, Comey’s Chief of Staff, and Trisha Anderson, the Principal Deputy General Counsel of National Security and Cyberlaw.

BUSTED: Proof that James Comey investigation of Hillary Clinton was a complete sham

Explosive and damaging revelations that former FBI director James Comey was covering up for Hillary Clinton during the email investigation has been uncovered.
US Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley say then-FBI Director James Comey began drafting a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton from her criminal email scandal months before interviewing up to 17 key witnesses, and months before Comey supposedly addressed the US public to officially declare that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes that the FBI could see.