James Comey

James Comey sends out nervous tweet defending FBI’s collusion with Clinton campaign

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A case of entrapment? How the Deep State brought down Michael Flynn

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The Scalp-Taking of Gen. Flynn

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | December 1, 2017 Russia-gate enthusiasts are thrilled over the guilty plea of President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador, but the case should alarm true civil libertarians. What is arguably most disturbing about this case […]

CONFIRMED: Trump Dossier is basis of RussiaGate

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Why did James Comey change his statement to save Hillary Clinton from going to prison?

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Former CIA analyst calls Robert Mueller a “fraud”…’He covered up 9/11, murder, torture and illegal surveillance’

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Republicans press for SECOND special counsel to investigate Hillary, Comey and Lynch

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Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board demands to know how the FBI meddled in US election

Why the sudden regurgitation of “Russia hacked our Democracy” fake news seeping out of the swamp and mainstream media?
Why is Morgan Freeman making a fool of himself calling for war with Russia?
The answer is simple. It is all a distraction from the real crime that has been completely exposed over the last few weeks…James Comey, and the FBI’s spying on candidate Donald Trump, at the behest of Obama and candidate Hillary Clinton.

Paul Manafort demands DOJ release his intercepted phone calls to the American public

Less than 24 hours after CNN reported that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manfort has been under surveillance by the FBI since 2014, Manafort has fired back by calling on the Department of Justice to release all transcripts of his tapped phone calls so that the American public “can come to the same conclusion as the DOJ — there is nothing there.”