James Comey

“Smoking gun” text messages confirm Obama White House – NOT Russia – meddled in 2016 election

The RussiaGate scandal is one of the most aggressively pushed and factually empty hoaxes a government has ever tried to pull on its people.
The fact we have this phoney scandal in the United States, which is supposed to be the “land of the free”, is also a huge travesty against both the integrity and honor of the nation.

Three dirty Obama intel chiefs have until Friday to disclose info on Steele dossier

James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper are under a deadline to disclose when they knew the dirty Steele dossier was funded by the DNC and the Hillary campaign.
According to The Gateway Pundit, former Deep State officials James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper have until Friday to tell Congress when they knew the Trump dossier was funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Former FBI Director, James Comey, said Michael Flynn did NOT lie (Video)

In a stunning revelation, former FBI Director James Comey reportedly told lawmakers last March that FBI agents did not think former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn lied to them.
This new twist raises many more questions about Flynn’s role in Mueller’s Russiagate witch-hunt.
The Washington Examiner’s Byron York reports…

Democrats Launch ‘Largest Mobilization in History’ to Defend Russiagate Probe

(CN) — With Democrats and self-styled #Resistance activists placing their hopes for taking down Donald Trump’s presidency in the investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, online groups such as MoveOn and Avaaz are launching campaigns to come to the Special Counsel’s defense in the event of him being removed by the president. In an action […]

‘This is Nuts’: Liberals Launch ‘Largest Mobilization in History’ in Defense of Russiagate Probe

By Coleen Rowley and Nat Parry | Consortium News | February 9, 2018 With Democrats and self-styled #Resistance activists placing their hopes for taking down Donald Trump’s presidency in the investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, online groups such as MoveOn and Avaaz are launching campaigns to come to the Special Counsel’s defense […]

‘This is Nuts’: Liberals Launch ‘Largest Mobilization in History’ in Defense of Russiagate Probe

Exclusive: Hundreds of thousands have pledged to take to the streets if Special Counsel Robert Mueller is removed, reflecting misplaced priorities and some fundamental misunderstandings, report Coleen Rowley and Nat Parry. By Coleen Rowley and Nat Parry With Democrats and…Read more →