james clapper

What Everyone Is Missing About the Comey Scandal

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) Given the tone of political reportage over the last month and the breathless coverage of James Comey’s hearing yesterday, you would have thought President Donald Trump had diminished the power of a co-equal branch of government or violated some basic protection in the Bill of Rights, upsetting the delicate balance that renders the United States a nation governed by laws and not men.

James Clapper commits perjury, again. Still no evidence of Russian hacking (Video)

Julian Assange was quick to point out another James Clapper lie.
Here is Julian Assange’s response to James Clapper’s assertion that hackers only targeted Democrats and never went after Republicans.

DNI Clapper just misled or perjured himself to Congress saying that there was no release of Republican data. Proof: https://t.co/A2u3YFHShM
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 8, 2017

‘Russiagate’ is failing and its supporters are getting worried

Three weeks ago I wrote a piece for The Duran in which I suggested that the corner appeared to have been turned in the fake ‘Russiagate’ scandal.
What was a tentative conclusion then can now be firmed up.
Though the leaders of the US security services have denied the President’s allegation that they wire-tapped him – though they were careful not to deny that they mounted surveillance on him and his associates – the President’s claim that they did, in effect smoked them out.