Jake Anderson

I Took a Facebook Break for Two Weeks. When I Came Back I Had a Panic Attack

(ANTIMEDIA) Yesterday, I logged into Facebook for the first time in two weeks… and had a panic attack within about 15 seconds. I’ll tell you why — and why I’m writing an article about it — but first, a bit of context. Two weeks ago I was lured into a heated debate with two FB acquaintances over the timeless “lesser of two evils” concept. Subsequently, I decided it would be better for my health to stay off Facebook until after the 2016 presidential election.

Oliver Stone: America is world’s greatest threat, not ISIS

According to Stone, the U.S. government’s destabilizing role actually goes back much further than ISIS. His new series pinpoints moments of American intrusion in the region as far back as the 1930s and follows it all the way to the CIA-backed Iranian coup in 1953, support for Afghanistan-based, anti-Soviet Union militants in the 1980s, George H.W. Bush’s Iraq invasion of 1990, and present-day efforts in Iran, Syria, and other countries.