Israeli settlements

Is Palestine ‘solidarity’ going soft?

 The EU policy of maintaining close relations with Israel as a supposed means of persuading it to end its violations of human rights and international law, and negotiate in good faith, has clearly failed.


by Stuart Littlewood

In the run-up to the EU elections the UK’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) emailed supporters urging them to use a specially worded form for MEP candidates to fill in. It included these two questions…

Israel’s Water Genocide

 The Israeli government uses such denial of water to trigger people displacement, particularly in areas slated for colonial expansion, especially since these communities are mostly farmers, who depend on water for their livelihoods. Cutting off Palestinian communities from their water resources usually precedes dispossession of land for new colonial projects.


The Big Lie: Israel wants a Peace Agreement with the Palestinians.

 Peace agreement  is an anathema to Israel and contradicts its Zionist goal of a “Greater Israel”. In such a nation there is no room or accommodation for Palestinians and Arabs from the Nile River to the west, to the Lebanese LItani River in the north, and the Euphrates River to the east.

by Mohamed Khodr