Israeli settlements

Video: Israelis film themselves shooting unarmed Palestinian

“Got it! Wow, got it. Got video, too!

“Got it! Wow, got it. Got video, too!
by Ali Abunimah                     The Electronic Intifada
This is what the voice on this video is heard exclaiming just after a sniper fires a shot toward an unarmed Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank village of Silwad.

“It’s time for Palestine,” says Abbas as corruption runs out of control

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.. (photo credit:AP)

Abbas is the darling of the West and of Israel, a trusted stooge and dogsbody. Hamas is usually blamed for any corruption. But if this catalogue of maladministration, malfeasance and worse doesn’t hammer the final nail in Abbas’s political coffin, I don’t know what will.


The Roots of Netanyahu’s Electoral Victory:  Colonial Expansion and Fascist Ideology


Netanyahu has established the fact that Israel and its people embrace a racist ideology and receive the endorsement of most Western leaders, and mass media and the unconditional support of its overseas fifth column.

“It is always a meritorious deed to get hold of a
Palestinian’s possessions” The code of Jewish Law revised and updated
by Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel’s Lieberman calls for beheading of Arab Israelis

The Israeli foreign minister has called for the beheading of all Arabs living in the occupied territories, only because of their opposition to the policies of the Tel Aviv regime.

(PRESS TV) - Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday that all Arabs who reside in occupied Palestine and oppose Israel for its discriminatory policies against the Palestinians should be decapitated.