Israeli Occupation

Avnery: a fantasy friend of Palestine

Vacy Vlazna
Uri Avnery is widely regarded as an Israeli peacemaker with a balanced view of what he calls the ‘Israeli-Palestinian conflict’.  But under the surface of dissent (often well-founded criticism of Israel), Avnery is a hard core zionist: a fantasy friend of Palestine;
“I have read a lot of Uri Avnery over the years and have always found him insightful and informative. But as time passed I began to regard him as complex, ambivalent and insidiously useful to Israel in the underlying message he conveys.” Allen Jasson

A family says goodbye to a ‘martyr’ in Bethlehem [VIDEO]

Mutaz Zawahra was having the time of his life in France on a youth program with two other friends when he got the news that his oldest brother had fallen dangerously ill. His brother, Ghassan, was on hunger strike in Israeli prison protesting his internment without trial or charge, and family members told Mutaz that his older brother may not make it through his strike alive.

Tِhe Child Ahmed Manasrah, Our Iconic Torture

The horror scenes that appeared in the “leaked or smuggled” video clip of the child Ahmed Manasra sitting among three Zionist interrogators, have called lots of rage and anger, at the time of lots of sympathy and proud of an iconic Palestinian child that will carve its image in the human memory like Fares Odehm Mohahhd Al-Durrah and Iman Dehho.

Palestine Day of Independence !!

Last week a friend of mine was excited to celebrate “The Independence Day of Palestine” in Ramallah as the central and official celebration happens yearly. I felt indifferent and didn’t join the some who even mocked him. At the day of Independence Nov.15th he went early and came late exhausted:
-“How was it?” asking, almost knowing how it felt like when you walk a long way with a big hope and come back with nothing.
-“It was OK, but the zionist bastards spoiled it.” he replied dejected.
-“Why? How?”

The Jewish History In Palestine !!

What are the Jews doing here in Palestine? They have never been natives of Palestine but occupiers !!!
The Canaanites were the [indigenous] inhabitants of Canaan, the older native name of Palestine, and the jews were just invaders !
I tell you history according to the jewish Torah, the Old Testament, the Talmud and the oral jewish history Hamishna:

What Obama Should Have Told Bibi

If you think Obama is spineless when confronted by Ron Lauder and the usual suspects, just think of how bad it will be when we have President Clinton or President Rubio, proxies for their Israel firster donors Haim Saban and Paul Singer respectively. The new president and his or her staff will have to learn how to perform proskynesis whenever Netanyahu enters the oval office.


Speech by UNRWA Commissioner to the UN regarding desperate situation of Palestinian refugees

Residents of the besieged Palestinian camp of Yarmouk queuing to receive food supplies in Damascus, Syria, on Jan. 31, 2014 Image credit: UNRWA via AP

The illegal blockade of Gaza remains in place subjecting Palestinians to collective punishment and denying all but a few the opportunity to lead normal lives, including by interacting with the outside world. Reflecting this, 893,000 Palestine refugees are food dependent, 11 times the number 15 years ago.