Israel war on Gaza

“worse than yesterday deterioration more target killing of civilians with threat of the ground operation”

A ball of fire is seen following an early morning Israeli air strike in Rafah in the southern of Gaza strip. Photograph: Said Khatib/AFP/Getty Images
Watch this video for a sense of the terror of having houses around you bombed. The usual tactic is a first strike followed immediately, sometimes within a minute, by the massive bomb which obliterates the house. This is what Palestinians are enduring.

spread the word

Grab a random, uninformed person, and find a way to tell them Palestinians are being slaughtered by one of the world’s most powerful and advanced armies.
Ideally, continue the conversation to introduce the reality that Syrians do not want Western intervention and are being slaughtered by mercenaries from over 80 countries who don’t give a shit about freedom and democracy and are doing their–paid–utmost to destroy both.

honouring the dead, advocating for the living

“Smoke and fire rise from an Israeli missle strike in Rafah, Tuesday, July 8, 2014.” (AP/Eyad Baba)”
The sheer genocidal power of these bombs being criminally dropped on Palestinian homes and hospitals is horrific. “Strategic strikes” my ass.
The Zionists continue to bomb all over Gaza.  I’m not there, my heart is and I wish I were…but there are some great Palestinian and international journalists, activists and bloggers keeping the info and photos coming out of Gaza.