Israel First

1st Amendment applies only for Israeli Firsters

Republican Congressman Crenshaw was asked about laws that demand contractors in the US to sign a pledge that they will not boycott Israel [such a law was passed in Texas]. Similar legislation was attempted at the federal level. Attention was also brought to a law passed by the state of Florida, which prohibits anti-semitism in public schools and universities. The law is specifically written to conflate any criticism of the Israeli state with anti-semitism.

Dave Reilly - Groyper Revolt Against Israel First Conservative Inc

Dave Reilly, who asked Charlie Kirk "how does anal sex help us win the culture war" at a TPUSA event, joins Henrik and Lana for a segment during Flashback Friday November 1, 2019. We discuss the rift inside the conservative movement. Is is going to be America First or Israel First? Additionally, how are values not traditionally associated with conservative activists going to help win over more people to their cause.
A video version of this show is available here.

Mark Collett - Mark Collett Attacked By Tommy Robinson's Crew - Hour 1

Mark Collett joins Henrik to talk about the poorly made video Tommy Robinson's news crew made attacking him. Tommy Robinson is currently in jail and so it remains unclear if he approved the video or not. We discuss some of the issues with the people surrounding Tommy, their uncritical support for Zionism and hypocritical stance on Israel.
A video version of this show is available here.

Ramzpaul - The Multiple Personalities of Donald Trump - Hour 1

Ramzpaul joins Henrik to discuss the many personalities of Donald Trump. At his rallies we get one Trump and the administration gets another Trump. His gung ho Israel support has collapsed his presidency and the "America First" policy has left many American's with nothing but empty promises. In addition we discuss Hungary and a number of other important news stories.
In the second part we discuss the injection of guilt into Thanksgiving, diversity at dine and dash Chipotle in Minnesota, Avenatti's #MeToo moment and much more.
A video version of this show is available here.