Israel Elections 2019

 Lying US, Australian, Canadian & UK Mainstream Media Ignore Race-based Rigging Of Israeli Elections

In descending order, the most fervent supporters of Apartheid Israel and hence of Apartheid are the Anglosphere democracies of the US, Australia, Canada and the UK. Apartheid Israel has had 4 elections in the last 2 years but in their massive coverage of these elections the Zionist- and US Government-beholden Mainstream media of these Anglosphere democracies overwhelmingly ignore the hard[Read More...]

All Major Candidates in Israel’s Presidential Election Are Far-Right

 If “far-right” or “nazi” refers to proponents of racism, capitalism, and dictatorship, then all of Israel’s Presidential candidates are nazis — not German ones, of course, not members of Hitler’s German (the original) Nazi Party and a dictatorship of and by Aryans against Jews, but instead Jewish nazis and a dictatorship of and by Jews against Palestinians. On April 6th,[Read More...]