Israel Apartheid

On Israel as an Apartheid State: an Interview with Richard Falk

[Prefatory Note: An interview David Falcone originally published in COUNTERPUNCH prompted by the Amnesty Report but extending beyond it.] FEBRUARY 11, 2022 On Israel as an Apartheid State: an Interview with Richard Falk BY DANIEL FALCONE FacebookTwitterRedditEmail Photograph Source: Chris Yunker – CC BY 2.0 Daniel Falcone: Could you give the context of the framework that brought […]

From the ‘Promised Land’ to the Land of Betrayals

Israel—once Palestine, the holy land of three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam—has been declared a mono-religious State with “Jewishness” and Hebrew as indispensible part of the cultural-state apparatus of the ultra-right Israeli regime. Having celebrated the 70th year of independence of the State of Israel, Knesset, the legislature of the state, passed the much-feared bill that officially declares Israel as[Read More...]

Apartheid Is Official in Israel

Last Tuesday the Israeli government, emboldened by total support from the Trump Administration and the total cowardice of the international community passed one of the most discriminatory, racist bills in the history of the State of Israel, the Jewish Nation State Bill. The vote was 62:55 with two abstentions. The bill categorically states that the State of Israel is for[Read More...]

Israeli-Zionist Genocide And Racism Unmasked

Is Israel and its infamous Wall of Separation representative of a modern evolving democratic state, based upon Biblical principles and teachings, as applied towards the original indigenous Palestinian peoples of Palestine, or is it an example of yet another ethnic-cleansing, apartheid state, possessive of the same genocidal-racist tendencies as those 19th century colonial-imperialistic powers – like the United States, Canada,[Read More...]

Apartheid Israel

If anyone doubts that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid, he should read the report “Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid” commissioned by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). The report released on the 15th March 2017 and posted on the ESCWA website has now been removed on[Read More...]

UN Official Resigns After Pressure To Withdraw Israel Apartheid Report

A senior United Nations official has resigned, following pressure from Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to withdraw the landmark report published earlier this week finding Israel guilty of apartheid. Rima Khalaf, the head of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) which published the report, announced her resignation at a press conference in Beirut on Friday. Reuters reports that Khalaf[Read More...]