
Israeli Army Demolishes Shops Near Jenin

By Saed Bannoura | IMEMC & Agencies | May 09, 2013

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday morning, the Barta’a village, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, declared the village a closed military zone, and demolished 12 shops.
Ghassan Qabha, head of the Barta’a village council, reported that the army invaded the village after sealing all of its entrances, declared it a closed military zone and demolished the twelve structures.

Did Israel Nuke Syria? "Nuclear Rogue" By Jim Stone

Anyone with 1/2 a measure of intelligence knows that Israel indeed is a nuclear weapons nation, and that it would use these weapons in an instant according to its INSANE Samson Option against most nations on planet Earth in a true holocaust where they clearly state that "If We are ever in danger of going down... We will take 1/2 the world with us!"....  Such is the insanity and immorality of this dangerous terrorist nation...Recently I came across several videos that were sent to me, asking for my honest opinion, and I was truly shocked...

For Syria: A beginning for talks but to what ends?

After you have read the news stories linked in the previous post: Kerry Sees Transitional Syrian Government Without Assad Read this one. A beginning for Syria talksLet's call this wondering, thinking, contemplating via the blog.. my thinking is all italicized New thoughts are in red... Excerpt and additional links below:

Canada's Criminal Government Backs Israeli Terrorism In Syria!

I have long said that this government in Ottawa is not my own, and absolutely does not listen to the Canadian people at all... Instead, it bends over and constantly grovels to the will of Jewish interests, and will do anything to please both their Jewish masters, and the wants and wishes of the criminal and diabolical state of Israel....It is so sad to watch these sick freaks do anything to support the Jewish state, above the needs of their own nation!I came across a very important video that absolutely stunned me...

Russia/US Accord Offers no easy resolution

While I may be feeling unwell, I just can't pull myself away from the situation in SyriaA fairly decent ,, though still lacking, article from BBC?Who would have thought?Negotiations That sets one of the parameters that are essential for successful movement towards a settlement of the Syrian conflict, which has embroiled many outside playersArresting and reversing that process of disintegration is a massive taskLakhdar Brahimi, stressed that, vital and hopeful as the apparent US-Russian understanding is,

Wherefore by Their Friends ye Shall Know Them: Zionists vs UNSW BDS

By Vacy Vlazna | Palestine Chronicle | May 7, 2013

In Australia there are 30 Max Brenner shops providing funds for the Strauss Group that filter towards the maintenance of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. Another Brenner outlet is ‘coming soon’ to the campus of The University of New South Wales (UNSW), the site of the present Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) protest organised by Students for Justice in Palestine.

Attempting to un-censor my letter to the editor, College of Charleston’s campus newspaper, “CisternYard”

Awhile ago the pro-Israel editor of the College of Charleston’s online campus newspaper published two articles containing offensive accusations against me — one even before I spoke on campus and one afterward.
The newspaper has now finally posted my response – but it isn’t listed in any of the website’s menus; standard practice would be to list it in the Opinion section.