
Report From "Texas-Israel Day" Protest On May 8th, 2013 In Austin Texas

I had promised everyone who reads this blog that I would have the report from the Texas-Israel day protest in Austin Texas that happened last Wednesday, May 8th 2013, the moment that report became available... It is indeed worth the wait....I want to present that report, from my friend in Texas, Lisa Webb, that was just sent to me this morning via email for everyone to see for themselves.... Newsletter | May 10, 2013


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This week’s top news:
Pakistan High Court: US Drone Strikes Illegal: Pakistani High Court Chief Justice Dost Muhammad Khan has issued a ruling today declaring the ongoing US drone strikes against the tribal areas illegal under international law, adding that they amount to a “war crime” when they kill innocents.

Was Syria "Nuked"? Evidence Now Seems Overwhelmingly... YES!!!!!

In the last report I placed here in this blog yesterday, I linked some damning evidence presented by none other than Jim Stone that showed clearly that Israel's "aerial bombing" of targets in and around Damascus, Syria a few days ago were actually a nuclear attack... Most probably using several small tactical nuclear weapons....

Syria Bombed, Hill Jailed, Zero Dark CIA

Welcome back to – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: Unprovoked Attack On Syria – Israel Commits Egregious International Crime
19-Hour Internet Outage In Syria Ends
Israel Granted Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild Two Months Ago