
Mideast Backlashes Yet to Come

By Sharmine Narwani – Al-Akhbar – 2013-05-13

The Middle East is treading water these days. Two years of rhetoric about ousting dictators, revolution, freedom, honor, dignity, and democracy – without result – has people on edge, their disillusionment now demanding an outlet.
There are no outlets though. Sensing the fast-growing disenchantment with undelivered promises, even the “bright new leaders” are tightening the reins and demanding compliance.

Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Freight Train

Has a weapon ever been invented, no matter how terrible, and not used?  The crossbow, the dreadnought, poison gas, the tank, the landmine, chemical weapons, napalm, the B-29, the drone: all had their day and for some that day remains now.  Even the most terrible weapon of all, the atomic bomb, that city-buster, that potential [...]

The Real Truth About The Situation In Syria... Western Backed Al Qaeda (CIA-Mossad) "Opposition Rebels" Decimated By Syrian Government Forces: SANA

We have all been watching the so called "civil war" over the last few months in Syria, where the popular Syrian government forces have been fighting against US-Israeli armed murderous mercenaries (so called "rebels") for control over their country...

Israel angry with Scottish Church report criticising its policies

MEMO | May 10, 2013

Israel has denounced a paper by the Scottish Church which denies “Jews’ special claim to the land of Israel.”
The paper entitled “The Inheritance of Abraham,” which was published last week rejects “claims that scripture offers any peoples a privileged claim for possession of a particular territory.”

False Flag to frame Syria: An attack on one NATO nation is an attack on all NATO nations?

Car bomb or multiple bombs have exploded in a Turkish/Syrian border town.And the spinning has begun....3 hours ago: 40 dead in Turkey car bombings near SyriaPeople gather at the site of a blast which killed and injured a number of people in Reyhanli, near Turkey's border with Syria, Saturday, May 11, 2013.