
Canada Is The Worse Israel Butt Kissing Country On Earth: Canada Contributes To Illegal Occupation Of Palestine - Harper's Conservatives Promote Military Ties To Israel!

I had just put up an amazing video in my last article that shows the truth about how Canada now shows itself openly as being nothing more than Israel's b*tch.   I have long said that this proud nation has now slid down the road to tyranny and the Harper government in Ottawa does nothing more than obey anything that Israel demands and desires.... It is absolutely sickening to behold...Now I discover that there is more to this sad story about how my Canada is on the road to ruin with its outright and tragic support for the criminally psychotic state of Israel....

Canada Is The Worse Israel Butt Kissing Country On Earth... This Video Says It All!

When I saw the criminal Harper(stein) government in Ottawa throw Canada's support behind the murderous psychopaths in Israel that had just nuked the innocent country of Syria that killed thousands of people in the process last week, I wanted to throw up.   I have long said that this country is no longer free and is in fact the most Israeli occupied country on Earth....

Is Israel Hastening the Fall of Assad?

Israel’s official silence following its airstrikes on weapons depots in Syria earlier this month fueled accusations in every direction. Damascus condemned it as an attempt to destroy the regime, Tehran said the real targets were Iran and Hezbollah, analysts in the U.S. said it was a demonstration of “credibility.”
But now a Syrian rebel commander has a different take: “The assault was in support of Assad.”