Isolated Virus

Former Chief Scientist for Pfizer Makes Shocking Revelations, Says New Vaccines Will Skip Clinical Trials

Yeadon dropped a bombshell when he predicted that those who refuse vaccines will be coerced, and those who are left will be rounded up and thrown into prison camps. He warned that there is no benign explanation for mass vaccination and vaccine passports. [OK, if not benign, then what is the correct adjective? The answer is 'sinister'.]

Nobel Prize Winning Inventor of PCR Test Said that Dr. Fauci “Doesn’t Know Anything – And I’d Say It to His Face”

Kary Mullis, a biochemist who won a 1993 Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR) test currently is used to diagnose Covid-19, accused Dr. Fauci of not understanding medicine, making up rules, having an agenda, and lying to the public. Mullis says Fauci refuses to debate experts because he doesn’t know anything.

New Zealand Doctor Explains the Non-Science Behind Covid-19 and the €225,000 Reward for Anyone Who Can Prove it Exists

Dr. Bailey says that Covid-19, known as SARS-CoV-2, has never been isolated, and is confirmed by Dr. Michael Laue of the The Robert Koch Institute, who says: "I am not aware of a paper which purified isolated SARS-CoV-2". There is cash award of €225,000 for proof of actual isolation of SARS-CoV-2.

The Fraud Behind the COVID-19 Theater is Exposed by the CDC Itself

The CDC admits in a paper that was updated on December 1st, that it has failed to obtain an isolated virus, which shows that the virus is a hoax! The statement that no 'quantified', or measured viruses were available means that the CDC has no virus. There is no virus. [Repeat this until it sinks in: There is no virus.]