Ismail Salami

An American neo-Orientalist in Tehran

 Image: scholar Stephen Greenblatt  (Courtesy PRESS TV)


The scholar who seemed so politically naïve, never expressed a political word and persistently presented himself as an agreeably smiling man with intellectual resources suddenly proved to a be a covert pro-Zionist who may even garner a medal of honor from Mr. Netanyahu, Dr. Ismail Salami writes of Harvard scholar Stephen Greenblatt 


Boko Haram and Tentacles of Terror


The blind ignorance of Boko Haram and other extremist groups, who impose themselves on Islam, springs from an act of overinterpretaion, a wrong reading of religion. Regardless of what benefits the promoters of this parochial mentality may reap, there is one incontrovertible point: they are trying to deliver a blow to Islam. No doubt, they are the sworn enemies of religion and they pursue no objectives other than uprooting Islam.



By Ismail Salami