Islamic State Of Iraq

ISIS: the Birth of a Terrifying New State

 In Iraq the army shows no signs of recovering from its earlier defeats and has failed to launch a single successful counter-attack; in Syria the other opposition groups, including the battle-hardened fighters of al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, are demoralised and disintegrating as they are squeezed between ISIS and the Assad government.



Black Flags Over Mosul

The fall of Mosul is not a minor setback that can be corrected by deploying special ops and lobbing a few bombs on targets in Mosul. It is a complete policy collapse  that illustrates the shortcomings of the abysmal War on Terror. The American invasion and occupation of Iraq is entirely responsible for the problems that plague Iraq today.


”The whole of Mosul collapsed today. We’ve fled our homes and neighborhoods, and we’re looking for God’s mercy. We are waiting to die.”

Boko Haram and Tentacles of Terror


The blind ignorance of Boko Haram and other extremist groups, who impose themselves on Islam, springs from an act of overinterpretaion, a wrong reading of religion. Regardless of what benefits the promoters of this parochial mentality may reap, there is one incontrovertible point: they are trying to deliver a blow to Islam. No doubt, they are the sworn enemies of religion and they pursue no objectives other than uprooting Islam.



By Ismail Salami