Islamic immigration

Jim Horn - Sharia Law Threatens Western Civilization - Hour 1

Jim Horn is a retired US Diplomat, author, and counter-jiadhi activist. He is the author of Experiencing Islam: Becoming Islam-Aware, Moslem Men Fear Women, and Islam in the Workplace: Moslems in the Workplace. Jim joins us to discuss Islam, Sharia Law, globalism, and many other relevant topics. First, Jim tells us about his background. We learn about his first-hand experience with jihadis while working as a US diplomat. Next, we discuss the threat political Islam poses to the West. Jim cites the existence of “no-go” zones as evidence that multiculturalism isn’t working in Europe.

Mark Collett - The London Bridge Terror Attack Was Preventable - Hour 1

Mark Collett is a British political activist and the author of The Fall of Western Man. He has been politically active since his late teens and was formerly the Youth Leader and Head of Publicity for the British National Party. In 2004 he was arrested for several speeches he made and in 2006 was tried and found not guilty on all counts. Mark now works with numerous groups both in the UK and abroad and produces his own weekly podcast.
A video version of this show is available here.