
Afghanistan Becomes Ground Zero for an ISIS Resurgence

Over the past few months, ISIS has renewed its efforts to expand its influence in Afghanistan. While ISIS cells are active in most of the country, ISIS’ main stronghold is the province Nangarhar.
ISIS in Afghanistan has received additional manpower for its expansion from Syria and Iraq where the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed caliphate was recently defeated. Many ISIS field commanders and fighters fled the country and joined the Afghan branch of the terrorist group.

China May Join Government of Syria in Idlib Offensive Against US-backed Rebels

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — China’s ambassador to Syria, Qin Qianjin, recently told Syria’s Al Watan news service that the Chinese military may soon join the conflict as the Syrian government, along with its allies, sets its sights on retaking the parts of Syria that remain under the control of extremist groups, specifically Syria’s Idlib province.

With Russian help, Damascus gains territory in the fight against terror

The Syrian Civil War began in March 2011 and continues to this day. It is one of the bloodiest conflicts in the world at present and it is also one of the most poorly covered foreign affairs issues as well.
It often seems that anyone and everyone who wants to fight other people has their place in this country, at the tragic expense of the millions of people who live there.

Taliban claims victory over ISIS fighters in NW Afghanistan

RT | August 1, 2018 More than 150 Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) fighters surrendered to Afghan security forces in the northwestern province of Jawzjan after they were defeated and driven out by the Taliban, government officials and Taliban said on Wednesday. The defeat represents a major setback for the group. IS first appeared in […]

Russia sends more goodies to help Assad in upcoming offensive against ISIS

As the last jihadi controlled areas in southwestern Syria have been liberated by the Syrian government, the Russians are literally sending a boatload of fresh military goodies to help Bashar al-Assad cleanse his nation of jihadist radicals. A Russian cargo ship is on the way to Tartus loaded with military aid to help Assad in an upcoming operation against ISIS and other Western propped ‘moderate’ radicals in the Idlib province.
Almasdar reports

BREAKING: Syria Takes Control of Occupied Golan Heights Border

Syria is on the verge of securing its entire border along the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) rapidly advances on ISIS positions in both the Yarmouk Basin region and the Daraa Governorate.
This is great news for the sovereign state of Syria. It’s only a matter of time before the next major advance – the liberation of the last fully terrorist-held province, Idlib.