
UN Report Finds ISIS Given “Breathing Space” in US-Occupied Areas of Syria

NEW YORK — A recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team has found that many of the places in Syria where the terror group Daesh (ISIS) continues to operate, recuperate and extract oil for profit are in areas of the country occupied by the United States.
According to the report’s executive summary:

ISIS Given ‘Breathing Space’ in US-Occupied Areas of Syria: UN Report

By maintaining an ISIS pocket in the territory it occupies, the U.S. can continue to justify its illegal presence in the country for the long-term, ultimately substituting Iran for ISIS as its new regional boogeyman. (MPN Op-ed) — A recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team has found that many of the places in Syria where the […]

ISIS Likely Behind Suicide Bombing That Killed 25 Students in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber targeted students preparing for university exams in a Shiite neighborhood of Kabul on Wednesday, killing at least 25 young men and women studying together in an attack that was blamed on Deash (ISIS).
Najib Danish, spokesman for the Afghan Interior Ministry, said at least 35 people were also wounded in the attack that struck a private building in the Shiite Dasht-i Barcha area of Kabul. He feared the casualty toll could rise further.

Syrian Army to ISIS: ‘Surrender or die’ in East Sweida

Al Masdar News reports…
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army issued their final demand to the terrorists off the Islamic State (ISIS) in the eastern countryside of Sweida, calling on their forces to either surrender the Al-Safa Canyon or die.
The Islamic State is fully besieged at the strategic Al-Safa Canyon and all of their attempts to break out of this region have failed.

UN Report Estimates 20,000 to 30,000 ISIS Fighters Left in Iraq and Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A new report from the United Nations on ISIS estimates that despite the “defeat” of the group in both Iraq and Syria, somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 ISIS fighters remain in the two countries, roughly half of them in each. Having lost all towns and cities, ISIS has mostly sent its fighters into the deserts along […]

How NATO-linked Think Tanks Control EU Refugee Policy

By F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook – 27.04.2016 A flood of uncontrolled war refugees from Syria, Libya, Tunisia and other Islamic countries destabilized by Washington’s ‘Arab Spring’ Color Revolutions, has created the greatest social dislocation across the EU from Germany to Sweden to Croatia since the end of World War II. By now […]