
The ISIS Massacre in Sweida: A Story of Torment and Resilience for an Uninterested World

“Imagine that this were your village, or your neighborhood! Imagine that one of those were your house! Imagine that the same thing happened to you! Imagine that you lost a family member, or maybe two, or maybe more! Imagine that your mother, sister, daughter or son is still kidnapped and now in the hands of … ISIS!”  — Syrian Wissam […]

Financial Investigators Testify That Clinton Foundation Operated as ‘Foreign Agent’

In explosive new testimony to the U.S. Congressional House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, a team of financial investigators raised serious questions about the legal status of the Clinton Foundation – presenting evidence that alleges the organization operated as a ‘foreign agent’ and does not qualify as a 501c3 charity.

The ISIS Massacre in Sweida: A Story of Torment and Resilience for an Uninterested World

SWEIDA, SYRIA – On July 25, 2018, ISIS terrorists attacked Sweida City and villages in the surrounding countryside. The ensuing massacre, one of the bloodiest of the eight-year Syrian conflict, went virtually unreported in the West. The U.S. coalition, illegally occupying Syrian territory, turned a blind eye as the ISIS terrorists that they claim to be waging war on entered the seven villages to the east of Sweida City that were targeted for wanton bloodshed.

Why is the West Keeping Silent About the Chemical Attack in Syria?

Once again, prohibited chemical weapons have been used in Syria — specifically shells filled with chlorine gas. Despite the significant number of casualties, however, the attack was not met with the usual outcry. World leaders remained tight-lighted with only Macron deciding to break the silence. This is easily explained since the West has good reason to keep schtum.

ISIS to Launch False Flag Chemical Attack on Syrian Kurds: And Russian Military is Watching Closely

FILE PHOTO. Home-made munitions, used by militants in Syria. ©  Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev
Islamic State terrorists are plotting to shell Kurdish-led militia with chemical-filled munitions in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, Russian military said. The terrorists want to frame Damascus for the attack to trigger new US-led airstrikes.