
How Critics of Trumps’ Syria Withdrawal Fueled the Rise of ISIS

President Donald Trump’s announcement of an imminent withdrawal of US troops from northeastern Syria summoned a predictable paroxysm of outrage from Washington’s foreign policy establishment. Former Secretary of State and self-described “hair icon” Hillary Clinton perfectly distilled the bipartisan freakout into a single tweet, accusing Trump of “isolationism” and “playing into Russia and Iran’s hands.”

Pondering the Fate of Syria and the Will of God

In my lifetime, there has never been a greater force of evil than the terror rained down on Syria by foreign nations. Its cruelty and savagery have had no bounds. Nonetheless, Syria has defended itself against the economic might of 2/3 of the world’s great powers and has beaten them all. As a career military officer and student of military affairs, I cannot explain how Syria could accomplish this if it were not the will of God.”

Mattis Resigns After Trump Announces US Troops Pulling Out of Both Syria and Afghanistan

US Defense Secretary James Mattis announced his resignation on Thursday, apparently over a disagreement with President Trump over the announced withdrawal of US troops from both Syria and Afghanistan.
These strategic announcements by the US came as a shock to even the most ardent anti-interventionists who had all but resigned themselves to the accept an indefinite US military presence in both those overseas locations.

Continued US Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It

Even the neo-con warmongers’ house journal The Guardian, furious at Trump’s attempts to pull US troops out of Syria, in producing a map to illustrate its point, could only produce one single, uncertain, very short pen stroke to describe the minute strip of territory it claims ISIS still controls on the Iraqi border.