
SYRIA: The REAL war on terror – Sweida civilians defending themselves against ISIS

While the U.S Coalition have pursued their geopolitical agenda in Syria under the guise of the "war against ISIS" the reality is that the ISIS terrorists covered up to 100km of desert to reach Shbeki from the East - from the direction of the U.S Al Tanf military base. Somehow ISIS bypassed any U.S surveillance and entered the villages to the East of Sweida City without being detected by those who claim to be trying to eradicate them.

SWEIDA: Survivor of ISIS massacre July 2018 praises Syrian Arab Army for protecting the homeland

Salha wept on film when she recalled the tragic events in July 2018 and the loss of her precious son but she also broke into a beautiful smile when speaking of Mu'taz sacrifice for Syria, for Humanity. The light that shone in her face came from a soul that has faced suffering and horror yet still converted it into hope.

VIDEO: ISIS Flag Raised Over Al-Hawl Refugee Camp in US-occupied Region of Syria

Not surprisingly, ISIS terrorists continue to thrive under the illegal US occupation of northeastern Syria…

An ISIS flag has been raised over the Al-Hawl refugee camp in the US-occupied part of Syria. The refugee camp located in the province of al-Hasakah, which is mostly under control of the US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

Syria Boils Over While Iran Heats Up

Submitted by Steve Brown…
The motivation for the US leadership’s strange proclamation in December of 2018 that al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria had been defeated, can only remain mysterious. A few days later this bizarre allusion to any form of a peaceful outcome was reversed, while the US still maintains major air bases in al Tanf and Manbij, and in eastern Syria.

Russia, US, Israel meeting aims to break deadlock in Syria and Iran ahead of G20 (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss talks taking place in Jerusalem between the security chiefs of Russia, US, Israel on the remaining conflict in Syria.
With the G20 right around the corner, these security talks aim to pave the way for critical geopolitical diplomacy in Japan, and a possible meeting between Trump and Putin.
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