
Islamic State weapons in Yemen traced back to US Government: Serbia files (part 1)

This investigation was originally published at Arms Watch While US President Donald Trump boasts about the defeat of Islamic State in Syria, US government-purchased weapons appear in the hands of Islamic State terrorists in Yemen. Recently I anonymously received explosive documents from the Serbian state-owned arms companies Krusik and Jugoimport SDPR, including e-mails, internal memos, […]

UK COLUMN: US Trafficking Weapons to ISIS, Al Qaeda, West’s Plan to Pull Iran Away from China

 While the US and its allies continue to boast about their supposed victory over ISIS, a new investigation by Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva from Arms Watch shows another side of the story – evidence of US arms trafficking to terrorists in Yemen and Syria, including ISIS. Meanwhile, Trump announces deployment of US troops to Saudi Arabia in response to… a Yemeni attack on Saudi’s oil facilities?

SYRIA: Several ISIS Terrorists Killed by SAA Near Historic Palmyra

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:45 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out retaliatory attacks against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) forces in the Badiya Al-Sham region of Homs Wednesday, eliminating several terrorists and enemy vehicles near the ancient city of Palmyra (var. Tadmur).
According to a military source near the scene of the attack, a Syrian Army scout spotted a group of Islamic State terrorists moving through the desert region east of Palmyra this morning.

SYRIA: Heavy Infighting Breaks Out Between Turkish-backed Terrorists in Afrin

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:35 P.M.) – Heavy clashes broke out between two Turkish-backed militant factions in the Afrin region of Aleppo on Tuesday, local activists reported this afternoon.
According to the reports, one militant faction from Deir Ezzor and another from the East Ghouta began clashing in Afrin for unknown reasons.
This latest infighting has resulted in the death of one militant and a few injuries among the Turkish-backed factions.

Kurdish NGO Report Claims New Proof Of Turkey-ISIS Collaboration

There has long been talk of the role that Turkey had to play in the facilitation and even covert support for elements of Daesh (IS, ISIS, Islamic State). Many state actors have leveled accusations against Turkey, for which no-one seems to have – at least to public knowledge – been pursued by Turkish Authorities.
But how deep does the indirect collaboration between Daesh and the Turkish State go?