
Hungary Shows the Way to Help Threatened Christians, Yazidis of Syria, Iraq

It is ludicrous and shameful that President Donald Trump should face an onslaught of hysterical hatred for taking even the most cautious and tiniest of steps to try and scale back the metastasized US military presence across the Middle East.
Meanwhile the appalling, abominable chaos and suffering inflicted on the region by the holier-than-thou “righteous” military interventions unleashed by Trump’s two predecessors George W. Bush and Barack Obama continue to pour suffering, persecution, starvation, violence and death on hundreds of millions of innocent people.

US Democrats Cultivated the Barbarism of Isis

There is something profoundly deceitful in the Democratic Party and corporate media’s framing of Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria.
One does not need to like Trump or ignore the dangers posed to the Kurds, at least in the short term, by the sudden departure of US forces from northern Syria to understand that the coverage is being crafted in such a way as to entirely overlook the bigger picture.

ISIS Attacks SDF Headquarters, Liberates Scores of ‘Terrorist Brides’

Normally, 21WIRE would not disseminate news releases coming from ‘Amaq’ which is said to be ISIS’s in-house news agency, but we’re sharing this report via South Front to illustrate an important point that maybe the US-backed Kurdish-led ‘SDF Forces’ were always unsustainable, in that, without an indefinite US occupying force propping them up, they are unable to fulfill their primary obligations of their mission, namely to secure ISIS prisoners held in detention.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOr, to put it another way: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and..."Make no mistake about it, both houses of Congress have more than enough evidence of Trump's corruption, obstruction of justice, and, perhaps most importantly, abuse of power, to vote for impeachment, conviction, and removal from office. They have had enough evidence for months.

Washington’s Sum of All Fears: Kurdish Militants Cut a Deal with Damascus

IMAGE: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the ground and speaking to Syrian Arab Army officers.
Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
Last night, Kurdish officials in northeastern Syria issued a statement that an agreement has been reached with the government in Damascus allowing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to takeover key strategic positions along Syria’s northern border with Turkey.

Crocodile tears? Hillary Clinton tweets that ‘sickening horror’ in Syria is ‘one man’s fault’ and gets reminded of her deeds

Via RT…
Hillary Clinton has retweeted a post by an NBC correspondent about ‘atrocities’ unleashed by Turkey’s incursion in Syria, hinting that it’s all President Donald Trump’s fault. Twitter sent her down Memory Lane.
“This sickening horror is one man’s fault,” she tweeted on Saturday night, commenting on a tweet by NBC’s Richard Engel, who said US military officials are concerned that the Turkish offensive “opens the door to BOTH ethnic cleansing of Kurds and return of ISIS/Al-Qaeda.”

Turkey and ‘The Kurds’ – ‘A Game of Musical Chairs’ in Syria

This week, President Trump ordered U.S. forces to withdraw from northeastern Syria, opening the door for Turkey to enter that region in order to flush-out Kurdish YPG/PKK militants previously working as proxies for the Pentagon, and leaving the fight against ISIS in temporary limbo.
On Thursday, 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen talks to RT News International about the current situation and what needs to happen to mitigate more serious complications down the road. Watch:

Trump Just Ordered All U.S. Troops Out Of Syria (Again)-- Lindsey Graham Has A Breakdown... Is This Withdrawal Good Or Bad Or Just Too Complicated For Trump To Be Involved With?

Having served their purpose, the Kurds are being fucked-over by the U.S. once again. Lindsey Graham knows how to reach Trump when he doesn't pick up his phone-- you just call in to Fox & Friends instead (above).