'ISIS Hunters' central Syria

British journalist uncovers massive gun running to jihadist in Syria

Western governments have been in the limelight many times over illegal arms trade. The Fast and Furious scandal is just one example. No matter how many times they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, public outrage never reaches the tipping point necessary to bring it to an end. They always try to find a new way to sneak arms to their ‘moderates’.
Sputnik reports

Russia sends more goodies to help Assad in upcoming offensive against ISIS

As the last jihadi controlled areas in southwestern Syria have been liberated by the Syrian government, the Russians are literally sending a boatload of fresh military goodies to help Bashar al-Assad cleanse his nation of jihadist radicals. A Russian cargo ship is on the way to Tartus loaded with military aid to help Assad in an upcoming operation against ISIS and other Western propped ‘moderate’ radicals in the Idlib province.
Almasdar reports

Syria closes the trap: ISIS encircled in central Syria

One of the most ambitious military operations launched over the course of the Syria war is now rapidly approaching its climax, with news today that Syrian troops advancing from Resafa in the north and from Al-Sukhnah in the south have largely succeeded in surrounding ISIS fighters in a large stretch territory in central Syria east of Salamiyah, an important government held town in Hama province.