Why Are We Worried about the Islamic State?

The war-drums are beating. Hysteria is spreading across the nation and reaching fever pitch! Al Baghdadi and his hordes of masked men are on their way to kill us all! Nobody is safe! First Syria, then Iraq, next … Australia? Poor James Foley is the sign of things to come. Soon white men everywhere will be losing their heads!
I must have missed something! Last time I checked the ‘Islamic State’ was not actually a state and the army of the non-state state barely warranted the title army.

Iran Sanctions: US Plays a Dirty Game

The nuclear talks which were infused with unnecessary optimism are no longer seen by many to yield much fruit as Washington once again reveals its true colors and pernicious intentions by imposing further sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals.
As a rule, Washington has never proved to be a trustworthy and reliable dialogue partner and any idea to the contrary stems from a naïve perception of the realities on the ground.

Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisis” to War

Despite the conclusion by US intelligence that there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the destruction of the Malaysian airliner and all lives onboard, Washington is escalating the crisis and shepherding it toward war.
Twenty-two US senators have introduced into the 113th Congress, Second Session, a bill, S.2277, “To prevent further Russian aggression toward Ukraine and other sovereign states in Europe and Eurasia, and for other purposes.” The bill is before the Committee on Foreign Relations.

ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op

Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the major military ‘surge’ in Iraq - and less so in neighboring Syria - is being shaped and controlled out of Langley, Virginia, and other CIA and Pentagon outposts as the next stage in spreading chaos in the world’s second-largest oil state, Iraq, as well as weakening the recent Syrian stabilization efforts.
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Sectarian Monster Reawakened

“Labeiki ya Zaynab,” chanted Iraqi Shia fighters as they swayed, dancing with their rifles before TV news cameras in Baghdad on June 13. They were apparently getting ready for a difficult fight ahead. For them, it seemed that a suitable war chant would be answering the call of Zaynab, the daughter of Imam Ali, the great Muslim Caliph who lived in Medina 14 centuries ago. That was the period through which the Shia sect slowly emerged, based on a political dispute whose consequences are still felt until this day.
Dark Forces of Sectarianism

WAR ON TURKEY; Erdogan Makes Further Break With NATO, Bombs NATO’s Al Qaeda Terrorists Inside Syria, Visits Iranian ‘Brothers’

(AE) – As soon as Erdogan stopped obeying the orders dictated to him by NATO’s Supreme Commander he was immediately subjected to Western orchestrated demonstrations, EU threats, Turkey’s EU membership blocked, a corruption probe, and most recently an economic attack on the Turkish Lira.