Daesh oil sales fall thanks to Russian airstrikes in Syria

Press TV – October 31, 2015 Russian airstrikes against Takfiri positions in Syria have resulted in a swift decline in oil sales by the terrorist group, says a French official. ISIL-controlled oil sales “have declined significantly in recent weeks due to the Russian campaign in Syria,” Russia’s Sputnik quoted a French National Assembly Defense Commission […]

Yaalon: Hezbollah, not ISIL, Challenging Israel

Al-Manar | October 29, 2015 The Zionist Defense Minister said on Wednesday that the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) takfiri group “has not yet challenged Israeli borders,” but the occupation regime is concerned Lebanese Resistance fighters of Hezbollah will seize an opportunity to go on the offensive against it. “So far, […]

Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Arrested in Iraq

Noting that he was arrested along with a number of ISIL terrorists, the commander said, "The Israeli colonel's name is Yusi Oulen Shahak and is ranked colonel in Golani Brigade of the Zionist regime's army with the security and military code of Re34356578765az231434."
The post Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Arrested in Iraq appeared first on BSNEWS.

The Killing of Serena Shim & the ‘Suicide’ of Former BBC Journalist Jackie Sutton…

The Burning Blogger of Bedlam | October 20, 2015 Exactly a year ago – on October 19th, 2014 – the journalist Serena Shim was killed after reporting from Kobani in Syria as a war correspondent. Her death was almost certainly the work of the Turkish intelligence community. It’s a rather remarkable, and depressing, ‘coincidence’ that […]

The New Great Game Round-Up: October 20, 2015

Turkmenistan to CIS: ‘Move Along Folks, Nothing to See Here!,’ United National Movement Protests Georgia's Talks with Gazprom & More!
*The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.