Russian FM Lavrov’s Address Following Downing of Su-24 by Turkey

Sputnik – November 25, 2015 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has addressed journalists following the downing of the Russian Su-24 jet by an air-to-air missile launched from a Turkish F-16. The Russian minister held a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu earlier in the day. “Moscow is not avoiding contacts with Ankara — […]

Cameron must investigate ISIS terror funding by Gulf allies – Lord Ashdown

RT | November 24, 2015 Prime Minister David Cameron must examine financial links between UK-allied Gulf regimes and terror groups, or risk facing awkward questions about Conservative Party links to “rich Arab Gulf individuals,” says former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown. Speaking on ITV’s Lorraine program on Tuesday, Ashdown – who is also a former […]

PARIS & the City of ‘ISIS’: Major Occult Symbolism, Hypnosis & the Massive Psy-Op Now Underway…

The Burning Blogger Of Bedlam | November 24, 2015 A week now after the attacks in Paris that news broadcasters keep telling us has “changed the world forever”, it looks less and less likely that this was a straightforward ISIL terrorist attack and more likely that something much more sinister may have gone on. And […]

ISIL Created by US Interventionism, Saudi Money & Wahhabi Ideology – Assad

Sputnik – 22.11.2015 Commenting on the origins of the Islamist terrorism plaguing the Middle East, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad noted that terror groups including Al-Qaeda and ISIL have been able to find fertile soil in Iraq as a result of US interventionism, with Saudi oil money and their poisonous Wahhabi ideology nurturing the groups and […]

Orwell’s Razor: All of 21WIRE’s predictions come true days after ‘Paris Attacks’

21st Century Wire | November 18, 2015 How predictable is the globalist imperial agenda? We are now witnessing the final stages of a long-term plan to induce another economic recession and erect a new high-tech police state throughout Europe and beyond. All they needed was a pretext. While the mainstream media performed its normal routine […]

Corbyn Accuses Turkey, Saudis of Undermining Anti-ISIL Coalition

Sputnik – 17.11.2015 British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has taken aim at the Western-led anti-ISIL strategy, criticizing Turkey and Saudi Arabia’s input in the conflict, while raising questions over the legality of the overall Western approach. The Labour leader accused Turkey of acting in its own self-interest and undermining the campaign against ISIL through its […]

Assad ‘is a factor’? US blames Syrian leader for its own failure to cut ISIS oil funding

RT | November 17, 2015 Washington says it is Syrian President Assad’s regime that has undermined US efforts to cut off Islamic State’s funding. The terrorists remain well-heeled due to crude oil trade the sources of which the West studied in detail over a year ago. “We got all coalition members all taking efforts to […]

Will British MPs vote to bomb Syria? Cameron, Corbyn diverge on Paris attack response

RT | November 16, 2015 Prime Minister David Cameron says he wants Britain to take part in airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria, but still needs to convince MPs to back an intervention. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn meanwhile has warned bombing will not defeat the jihadists. Cameron said he won’t hold a vote in Parliament […]