Two Million Syrian Christian Population Being Exterminated by ISIL

Since the terrorists have swept the secularists aside, Christian Syrians–long protected by Assad—are now being “disappeared” by the millions.  By the millions!  Of the 1.8 million Christians that lived peacefully under Assad before the Arab Spring, only 400,000 Christians still live in intact communities in Syria today. The rest are either dead or fled–we know not where.

It’s time the West joins Russia in protecting Christians in the Middle East
 by William Weding

Trump: Obama regime ‘killed hundreds of thousands’ in Syria

Press TV – December 13, 2015 US presidential candidate Donald Trump says the Obama administration is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in Syria and Libya. In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, the Republican frontrunner pinned blame for the deadly Syrian conflict and the rise of the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group in […]

Turkish Tanks, Troops Uninvited ‘Occupants’ in Increasingly Irate Iraq

Sputnik – 10.12.2015 There are no security treaties between Iraq and Turkey, which is why the presence of Turkish troops in Iraq is nothing but an act of occupation, according to Razzak Muhaibis, an MP from the Iraqi political bloc Badr Organisation. In an interview with Sputnik, Razzak Muhaibis, an MP from the Iraqi political […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Brutal Truth About the San Bernardino Massacre the Politically Correct Media Pray You’ll Never Hear

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.
Mencken said it best. But herein, I may just have said it better. I will discuss a variety of specious arguments being made from various groups and collect the points of view. As I’ve stated innumerably, the ability to critically think appears to be a lost art. But as lost artists, we will slog ahead nonetheless. And please note the actual reality and horror supra. That’s what needs to be told. The truth. Reality.

How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria

Bilal Erdogan, a.k.a. Erdogan Mini Me, desperately needs new oil smuggling routes and a couple of new tankers; Russia is watching their every move. The latest news from Russia’s Defense Ministry has struck like a volcanic eruption; the Erdogan family mob was branded as “criminals”, with Moscow presenting only an appetizer of the all the evidence it has in store.


Arms giants see stocks rocket after Syrian airstrikes vote

RT | December 3, 2015 The share prices of major international arms traders jumped in the wake of the British parliament’s decision to extend its aerial bombing campaign against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria. Stock values at BAE Systems, Airbus, Finmeccanica and Thales all soared as trading began on Thursday morning, […]